Judy in the Jungle ! |
Sue in the same jungle ! |
The list flight of steps
to reach the Sun Gate! |
Judy decides the only way
is to come up on all fours |
This is it! Our first view
of the famous Lost City of Machu Picchu |
I made it - and got the T
shirt to prove it !!!! |
Kenny and the guides at
the Sun Gate |
Jose-Luis, Roberto, Carlos,
Aldo, Kenny and Ozzie at the Sun Gate |
Sam, Howard, Tat, Em,
Darren and Cat at the Sun Gate |
Ollie, Sam, Howard, Tat,
Em and Darren at the Sun Gate |
Sue and Judy at the Sun
Gate 4 days trekking - don't expect glamour ! |
Exhausted but Happy
Trekkers at the Sun Gate |
We clap our porters
through - these amazing guys ran with loads of up to 18kgs! |
Me at the Sun Gate - no
make up and exhausted but exhilarated |
The Sun Gate |
At the Sun Gate with Machu
Picchu in the background |
On the way down to Machu
Pichhu |
I find a friend in the
square at Machu Picchu |
Me, Judy, Liz, Susy.
Kenny. Trish. John. Christel, Sam on the guided tour |
Andrew and Jackie |
Bill, Darren and Kenny |
Ozzie, Josie and Judy |
Kathy, Gail, Christel, Jo,
Tat, Jane |